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Campus Coffee

Siilo coworking

At the June campus coffee event, we will introduce the remote care service unit of Varha, operating from Nakola. The goal of Varha's centralized remote care is to expand remote care services to support the elderly living at home. The unit provides video and audio home care, where a caregiver connects with the client via a tablet device. Remote care complements traditional home visits by addressing client needs such as nutrition, medication management, and maintaining functional ability through remote communication. At the campus coffee event, we will learn more about the operations of the remote unit.

The campus coffee event will be held at Siilo Coworking space on Wednesday, June 12th, at 9:00 AM. Note: The remote care presentation will start at 9:15 AM. Coffee, popcorn, and sandwiches will be available for the first 50 participants. Welcome!

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